Timeline of Nephilim movement
through the world

c. 10,500 to 9,500 BC The age of Leo dawns as Egypt's elder culture is on the decline. The Sphinx, Temple of the Spinx and Valley Temple are constructed, then abandoned. Early agriculture ceases.
c. 9,500 to 9,000 BC The most recent Ice Age ends, bringing with it abrupt geological and climactic changes. These appear to include massive flooding and volcanic activity that would become the fodder for myths worldwide. The residents of Egypt's elder culture flee, heading to Asia Minor and Kurdistan and constructing the underground cities in Cappadocia.
c. 9,000 BC A settlement in the Kurdistan Highlands is established and known as Dilman, Kharsag, or Eden. Situated near Lake Van, this community became the home for a shamanic culture which is later transformed into the myths of Watchers (Judaism), ahuras (Iran), or Anannage (Sumerian-Akkadian).
c. 9,000 to 8,500 BC A cave known as the Shanidar, located on the Great Zab River in Kurdistan, is used for shamanistic practices. Later, archaeologists will find goat skulls and the wings of bustards, vultures, and eagles. At the same time, early settlements in Palestine and Syria begin.
c. 8,500 to 5,500 BC Watcher culture reaches its peak.
c. 6,500 to 6,000 BC Meanwhile, in Anatolia, the Catal Huyuk culture is in full swing. Here, they practice excarnation as a form of burial and work with a death-trance shamanism involving vultures. At the same time, the Jarmo community in Upper Iraq enjoys contact with the "fallen ones," which its people later commemorate in abstract serpentine art.
c. 5,500 to 5,000 BC The Watcher colony in the Kurdish Highlands fragments. One segment remains in isolation; the other descends into Mesopotamia, Iran and Armenia. Later, these beings will be mythologized as the Nephilim (Book of Enoch, Dead Sea Scrolls), the daevas (Iranian myth), or the Edimmu (Assyria, Babylon). The first communities begin to settle on the Mesopotamian plain.
c. 5,000 to 4,000 BC The `Ubaid people, once settled in the Zagros mountains of Iran and Iraq, descend into locations throughout Upper and Lower Iraq. Like the Watchers, their shamans work heavily with vulture, serpent, and goat imagery. A localized flood strikes the Mesopotamain plan; memories of these events will be muddled with earlier flood myths and are later considered the "Flood of Noah," first by the Yezidi of Kurdistan and later by Christians everywhere. The `Ubaid also use serpent imagery in their art that resembles that of the Jarmo.
c. 4,000 to 3,000 BC City-states emerge throughout Mesopotamia. Some believe that this occurred under the influence and direction of the Anannage - Sumer's word for the Watchers.
c. 3,000 to 2,000 BC The Anannage continue to hold influence over the Sumerian-Akkadian culture. Many records of this contact remain: myths of contact with gods and goddesses, especially through a ceremony known as the Sacred Marriage; and through myths of battle with demonic bird-men. Kings who are descendent of partnerships between humans and Anannage are considered either divine or part-demon. Similar stories arise out of contacts in Iran and Media. Over time, the Anannage culture begins to fragment.
c. 2,800 to 2,200 BC Callanish stone circle is built on the Isle of Lewish on the Scottish Outer Hebrides. Later myths tell of a priest-king adorned in a robe of feathers who came to the island and, with a group of men, built the circle.
c. 2,750 BC Power struggles begin between the Sumerian-Akkadian armies and the Anannage/Nephilim.
c. 2,200 to 1,250 BC Banishment of the Nephilim to Iberia. Eventually, they begin to migrate to the Americas. Possibly, they arrive in Cuba during this time period. Later Mayan myths will tell the story of how Quetzalcoatl, the "feathered serpent," traveled to Central America from islands to the east.
c. 1,250 to 1,200 BC Confrontations take place between the Anakim and the Armies of Joshua.
c. 1,100 BC The Phoenecians found the sea-port of Gades in southwestern Spain, possibly following knowledge learned from the Byblos culture and the Nephilim.

Timeline based on information from the Andrew Collins books "From the Ashes of Angels" and "Gateway to Atlantis."