Mexico: Quetzalcoatl

Perhaps the most far-flung of the feathered-serpent clan is Quetzalcoatl, who was a God among the ancient Mexican people. He is associated with the blue-green quetzal bird, whose iridescent plumage recalls that of the peacock, hence suggesting a kinship with the Peacock Angel. His other names include Gukumatz, Kukulcan, and Nine Wind, the latter reminiscent of the wind-stirring abilities of the Simurgh and the Anzu.

Ancient cave art representing Quetzalcoatl also drew associations with the morning star, Venus, another tie to Melek Ta'us and Lucifer. He may also be associated with Mercury, that messenger of the Gods, with whom all angels are linked in some fashion.

Quetzalcoatl was said to have been born to a virgin woman, along with his brother, the dog-headed Xolotl. Wikipedia sheds some light on the history and whereabouts of Quetzalcoatl: "Most Mesoamerican beliefs included cycles of worlds. Usually, our current time was considered the fifth world, the previous four having been destroyed by flood, fire and the like. Quetzalcoatl allegedly went to Mictlan, the underworld, and created fifth world-mankind from the bones of the previous races (with the help of Cihuacoatl), using his own blood, from a wound in his penis, to imbue the bones with new life."

According to one essay on the Web, "What is clear however is that the plumed serpent was a symbol of political power, and wherever he appeared carved in stone, signs of ritual human sacrifice would be found nearby. Many researchers who had believed in a more peaceful, mercantile-based society at Teotihuacan were startled by the discovery of over 200 sacrificial victims buried at the corners of the Temple of Quetzalcoatl in 1988, most warriors with their hands tied behind their backs. It is clear that by this time (c. 250 AD), Quetzalcoatl had assumed major importance and a military cast, being the god of warriors rather than priests."