Images of the Peacock Angel

"Then I realized a remarkable crosscultural correspondence. On the previous dark and nu moon I had invoked the Yeziddi Blue God Melek Taus or Shaitan, the peacock angel and 'Lord of the Painted Fan'. I had realized then how he corresponded with Kukulcan/Quetzalcoatl in terms of the seven powers, chakras and colour spectrum, but it only just clicked now that both were associated with the planet Venus, which the Mayans called the 'morningstar.' One of Lucifer (who relates to Shaitan)'s names is 'Morningstar', and the Peacock is the birdmask of Maat for the sephiroth Netzach, the sphere of Venus. And both Kukulcan and the peacock angel are represented as both snake (on the Tree of Knowledge) and bird. Staring at the serpent's head on the ground, it all made sense: the descent of spirit into matter, not as a bad thing in the perverted Christian version where Shaitan/Lucifer is the Devil, but in the sense of the splitting of the white limitless light of the Ain (or the black light of the Abyss) into the colour spectrum, the beautiful forms and patterns of the manifest world! Also associated are the Greek Hermes and Iris (also a rider of rainbows), 'Messengers of the Gods' and thus intermediaries betweem spirit and matter. Hermes' caduceus wand is also feathered and entwined with serpents, and like Quetzalcoatl he is associated with the wind."
- Orryelle Defenestrate
Melek T'aus
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Peacock Angel

Peacock Angel

Peacock Angel